
Showing posts from October, 2018


 THIS IS A REVELATION ! I saw a Buried Glory in my dream. In that same dream I prayed for recovery of that Glory till I woke up.So I decided to share it with my friends that believed truly there are  G lories are been B uried. Joseph Glory was Buried the day he narrated his dream to his family and was later sold into slavery to completely nailed his coffin. Then he prayed in that strange land his glory was restored and he became Prime Minister in Egypt. Joseph in his Dream Mordecai Glory was Buried the day he revealed the plot by the evil men to kill the king. Then he prayed King had sleepless night because God remember Mordecai not only that but also the evil counsel of Haman, his wife and friends turned to promotion for him and his Glory was restored. Mordecai was Promoted Samson was another example in the bible whose Glory was buried the day he slept with the strange woman. His destiny was cut off at lap of Delilah which eventually led to his destru


Yesterday I was at the ATM to get some cash because I dearly needed money. As I started to transact, the ATM showed me an inscription which said; Please insert your card. I did And then another message popped up- Please enter your pin code I did And then another message came the amount, I did that too After I had done all this...the ATM showed me a message in BOLD letters YOUR TRANSACTION IS BEING PROCESSED, PLEASE WAIT ! Allow me to say..when you have done all the things you can, you have prayed, you have fasted, you have even asked others to pray with you and for you but it seems as if nothing is happening in your life, wait patiently don't give up, don't move because your request is being processed. WAIT! Let me tell you ..What made me wait is because my card was already in the ATM, I had already entered my pin code. If I give up now and walk away..Lord have Mercy... The next person will get all that I had requested.


 "Try to understand, Dad", the teenager whined, " those hymns at church bore me stiff. They are too far behind the times. The stanzas contain too many old, meaningless words." His father put an end to this complaint which had been voiced before by saying, " If you think you can write better hymns, then why don't you do it? This teen went to his room and began immediately! He wrote his first hymn at 16. And...he continued to write 349 more! Are you feeling bored with life, your community or even the church? Then do something constructive about it. You can contribute something that you would be remembered by 300 years from now, if Jesus tarries. "  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord . (Colossians 3:16) ©GRACE LIFTED SEGUN EZEKIEL


SILENT PRIDE 😭😭😭 I have been in ministry for quite some time now,and have taken time to study my life and the life of others. I have studied the scriptures and discovered ONE MAJOR THING that GOD HATES, is PRIDE Ps 40 vs4.😭 PRIDE are in two categories, the VOICED PRIDE and the SILENT PRIDE. I would love you to read this article with all BROKENNESS of heart. Bible clearly stated that *GOD RESIST THE PROUD. James 4vs6 * That's one verse in the Bible I FEAR most. Imagine a MINISTER that GOD is resisting his ministry, Imagine a Person that God is resisting his life. IF GOD is RESISTING you,who can ASSIST YOU? Listen your MINISTRY will never grow more than it is now if you ARE A VICTIM OF GOD'S RESISTANCE. and anyone WHO partners with YOUR MINISTRY will also PARTNER in your MISERY. The worst case of PRIDE is to be PROUD and you don't EVEN KNOW. Hmmmmmmm. SILENT PRIDE. this i see in the LIFE of some persons,especially young Ministers.and I cry. SILE


 Campus girls have a popular saying within their circle: Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere! The saying, according to one, is a rallying call for campus chics to try all they want during their life as university students. Just like many young people, the chics are out to experiment and make all the mistakes within their period in campo before getting out of college and face life with seriousness. Here are four things every campus girl has tried 1.      Mwakenya Cheating in exams is a must for many girls in university. With tricks such as scribbling things on their yummy thighs, hands or hiding a mwaks close to their bust. 2.      Skiving classes This is what leads to thoughts of cheating in exams. Many are times when they have been taken to world tours by their loaded lovers or politicians targeting their young bodies. This means classes will be not attended. 3.      Sleepover No campus girl who has never gone for a sleepover to her boyfriend’s


I once told my children that all human beings are only playing their predefined roles in the script written by God before the creation of the world. It is only sensible for wise actors to diligently study the script to properly interpret their roles and memorize their lines, so that their performance will run smoothly in sync with other players and in accordance with the overall purpose of the production. In this regard, Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” YES GOD WRITE SCRIPT! Source: Pastor Akanbi


LET US REASON TOGETHER... I have heard so many messages preached on the altar about the prodigal son (Luke 5:11-32)… As I took out time to read the story in my bible, I saw some things that boosted my curiosity and left me with a serious concern… My concern is that whenever we use the story of the prodigal son to spice up our sermons on the altar, the emphasis and focus is always centered on the prodigal son himself… I am seriously worried that we have spent so much time analyzing his errors that we have become blinded to the errors of another major character (individual) in the same story… I am talking about his elder brother here… As I look at the church today, I see a lot of Christians who fit into the description of the elder brother of the prodigal son… They appear zealous, holy and committed but when you take a closer look at their lives, you’ll begin to spot similar errors… Please I have just four (4) questions for the elder brother of the prodigal son… An


  LITTLE Ai Little Ai defeated Isrealite because Achan brought unclean Treasure to the fold.  Beloved, what are the unclean things you brought to your life?  Remember your body is God's Temple and unholy things should not enter. Isrealite were defeated by Ai Isrealite ran from Ai Just as Little Ai defeated Isrealite because of Achan Sin. That may also destroy you and your love ones. Do you notice same  is occurring in your life?  I Employ you to humble yourself before Almighty God this Hour and ask for mercy Just as Joshua did. By Doing So God will give us Victory. Prayer Points: 1.Lord, what are the unclean things I have brought into my life that made my enemy rejoice over me.forgive me in your Mercy. 2. Lord you destroyed Ai that denied Isrealite access to promise Land. Do likewise in my life today. Isrealite victorious over Ai Isrealite in Promise Land 3. Achan brought unclean treasure into the fold and it dest